
Sunday, December 9, 2012

I'm moving my blog

Please visit my blog as I'm moving it to Wordpress. It's still titled Quickenings: Memoirs of a Prodigal. Here is the link....

I've enjoyed using Blogger, but Wordpress seems a bit more user friendly and cleaner. I hope everyone will visit my new site and become a follower. Thanks again for reading my blogs and following.

Lupe Picazo

Where my inspiration comes from

A Recycled-Dad with Bipolar & Parkinson's, reflections on fathering and family life and other stuff thrown in'll love my Soap Box Rants

Blog with Integrity\\ Auhor Lupe Picazo

Why I call myself a Recycled Dad

I call myself a Recycled Dad because of the struggles with remarriage and being a step-parent and weekend dad. This is also about my life living with bipolar and how it affects me personally, my family and my job. It also reflects on the grace God has poured out on me throughout recovery from alcohol and an eating disorder. Recycled Dad is about my reflections on the wisdom God teaches daily on fatherhood and being a better husband in spite of being bipolar.

Please feel free to leave comments. I welcome them