
Saturday, May 19, 2012

I love justice, but I love grace too

I don't care how much I say love grace, but there are times when I really love it when someone gets his or her just end.

When the bad guy falls from the sky. When the murderer confesses at the end of a movie. When the serial rapist actually gets caught and is called to account for his crimes.

Yes YES! I feel like good has won and everyone on the side of good has also triumphed. I could brush my hands together, nod my head and whisper,

He deserved it!

I learned a long time ago that there are some people in this unjust world who do very wrong things and yet still never apologies. They will never make amends. They will never fix what they've done. They'll never confess, fall from the sky to get caught.

It seems to be how the world works.

I leaned a  long time ago that there are people in this unjust world who do very wrong things and will never apologize. They will never make amends. They will never fix what they've done. they'll never confess, fall from the say or get caught.

It seems to be how this world works

It's the guy who grabbed you in the 8th grade and made you feel used and vulnerable or the best friend who walked away from you because she loved herself more than she loved you. It's also the thieves and the child-wonders and horrible people whomever are caught.

Then those ends do nothing to satisfy our human need for closure. We want justice. We want ending. We want finish. We want the ability to watch from afar off and say:

            He deserved it!

I learned a long time ago that there are no people in this unjust world who do very wrong things and will never apologize. They will never make amends. They will never fix that they've done. They' never confess, fall from the sky or get caught. No matter how big or how small the offence.

And it is how this worlds works.

Those loose ends do nothing to satisfy our human need for closure. The closure we so desperately need. We want justice

It's the guy, or woman, who grabbed you in the 8th grade and made you feel vulnerable r the best friend who walked away from you because she loved herself more than she loved you. It's also the thieves and the child-wonders and the horrible who never get caught. Or it's the one that something that cut you through throat and stabbed you in the heart.

Those loose ends do nothing to satisfy our human need for closure. We want justice. We want ending. We want finish. We want the ability to watch from afar and say:

He deserved it.

She had is coming to her.

What goes around, comes around!

We love justice much more than we love mercy. So much more, I think.

I ask myself, do I love justice or mercy?

If given the circumstances would I demand restitution or will I only ask questions?

What will I love more? Justice or mercy? Wrath or grace.?

I don't know. I really know.

I believe there is a time for justice. There is a time for calling to accounts. But there is also a time for grace and mercy.

The prophet wrote:

Act justly
Love mercy and
walk humbly.

I'm not sure what a lifelong road of loving mercy means but I can guess a few things: It means honestly allowing God to be right and submitting myself to that. It means being ok with being last sometimes. It means not always seeing the loose ends tied up nicely. It means choosing my own thoughts carefully.

It means seeking grace and mercy over what someone deserves.

I want to hear from you.
What are your thoughts on mercy and justice?


  1. Very thoughtful and well written.You have worked this one through and I like the combination of justice, love and grace.

    1. I believe I have worked this through. Been through some very bad things that I thought I would be feel better if worse came to them. But just wouldn't have. Thank you again. And again, I always enjoy your comments.
