
Thursday, December 16, 2010

Change of blog focus

I've decided to go in a different direction with my blog intead of focusing on myI Parkinson's. Even though I've had Parkinson's for at least 7 years it wasn't until last year that my symptoms have become problematic enough to affect my life. In retrospect it's a short time to significantly reflect on its impact, whether negative or positive, in my life. I had already reported most of the changes I have had to make, but honestly that's the extent of it.
I truly believe that God has given me strength, patience, and grace to deal with my Parkinson's, directly and by what I have learned through the last five years.

So, all that being said, decided to focus my blog on my life experiences with bipolar, my struggles with alcohol, and my tug-o-war battle with anorexia. For as long as I can remember I have dealt with bipolar. Well before being diagnosed.
During the last five years I struggled with alcohol and anorexia. They were my ways of dealing with, coping, and/or avoiding circumstances I was being put through and almost cost me the life I had worked to put back together that I had already lost.

I have a story to tell. A story with chapters. I wrote the first half. Christ is now writing the second half.

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